Please support Hope Valley & the HVNA by paying your annual dues!

$50 annually, due in January

Make a Payment

You can also pay dues by check.  Send to HVNA, P.O. Box 51338, Durham, NC 27717

Your Dues Support

  • Common area landscaping and maintenance

  • Neighborhood security: liaison with Durham Police Department.

  • Neighborhood events

  • Neighborhood newsletter (3 times/year)

  • Our website, email list, and bulletin board.

  • Advocacy for Hope Valley with the city and county.

  • Research, advocacy, and support for designation on the National Register and tax credit zones for qualified improvements.


about the HVNA

The Hope Valley Neighborhood Association is governed by an all-volunteer board elected by HVNA members at our annual meeting. Officers and members of the HVNA board receive no compensation for their service.

The HVNA is a not-for-profit 501c3 public charity, and your dues may be tax-deductible. 

Residents of Hope Valley are not required to join the HVNA, but nearly two-thirds of our residents are members. 

HVNA Articles of Incorporation [PDF]

HVNA By-Laws [PDF]